Hey everyone! Stephen here 😊

Sometimes, a nugget of wisdom sticks with you for whatever reason. I recently heard on a podcast someone drop in the phrase “If you want to know someone’s priorities, look at their calendar”, before moving quickly on to the next topic. But this advice resonated deeply with me and sparked a significant change in how I manage my time.

Have you ever looked back at your week and wondered where all your time went? A few weeks ago, I had one of those moments. Between work, errands, and binge-watching Shogun on Disney+, my days were slipping by without me even realising it. 

That’s when the phrase from that podcast jumped back into my head and it got me thinking: how we spend our time truly reflects our priorities. So, I started changing the language I used… I shifted from “I don’t have time” to “That’s not a priority for me at the moment.”. For me, that subtle shift added accountability and more ownership of how I spent my time. 

So, if you’re feeling like your time is running away from you, stick around. Today, we’re diving into how to align your schedule with what really matters to you.

Time management priorities

Understanding Priorities

Priorities are the things that we deem most important in our lives. They are the values and goals that we aim to achieve and uphold. But here’s the kicker: if you’re not actively prioritising them, they often get lost in the shuffle of everyday life. It’s like trying to keep a cat off the kitchen counter – a futile effort… unless you’re really committed. And competitive. 

Why Knowing Your Priorities Matters

Knowing your priorities is crucial because it helps you make conscious decisions about how you spend your time. According to highly effective person Dr. Stephen Covey, author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” effective time management isn’t about doing more; it’s about doing what’s most important.

Maybe you can resonate with being swamped with work, overwhelmed, yet still somehow finding time to scroll through social media for hours… (seriously, looking up my screen time made me change a lot). 

Maybe social media is one of your priorities. If so, great! For me though, it wasn’t. But I was nailing social media like it was one of my priorities. But it was an autopilot reaction. It hit me then – my actions (and therefore my actual priorities) weren’t aligning with what I wanted my priorities to be.

Instead of conquering my to-do list, I was becoming a champion of the latest DIY “build your own fridge entirely out of upcycled pallet wood” videos. It was like trying to fill a leaky bucket with water and wondering why my feet were always wet. Life, in its whimsical way, has a knack for showing us where our hearts truly lie, often through the most mundane of activities.

Practical Steps to Identify and Set Priorities

Let’s get practical! Here are some steps to help you identify and align your priorities with your daily activities:

🌟 Reflect on Your Values – Take a moment to think about what’s truly important to you. Is it family, career, health, or personal growth?

🏃‍♀️ Set Clear Goals – Once you’ve identified your values, set specific, actionable goals. For instance, if health is a priority, set a goal to exercise three times a week. (Need a hand goal-setting? Download my free worksheet!)

Track Your Time – Spend a week tracking how you spend your time. Apps like Toggl (not sponsored), checking your screen time, or just a simple journal can help you see where your hours are going. Spoiler alert: you might be surprised by how much time you spend scrolling through Instagram.

🌱 Evaluate and Adjust – After tracking your time, evaluate if it aligns with your priorities. If not, make adjustments. This might mean cutting back on TV time to fit in a workout or dedicating an hour each morning to personal development.

🗓 Create a Routine – Plan your days and weeks around your priorities. Use tools like calendars or planners to block out time for what matters most. It’s like setting a date with yourself. And you best not be ghosting yourself.

Shifting Your Mindset: From “I Don’t Have Time” to “That’s Not a Priority”

One of the most powerful shifts you can make is changing your language from “I don’t have time” to “That’s not a priority for me at the moment.” This shift puts the ownership back on you and makes you aware of your choices. It’s not about time; it’s about priorities.

When I started doing this, it was a game-changer. I realised that I wasn’t going for a run because I didn’t have time; it was because I wasn’t prioritising it. So, what was I prioritising instead? Viral dance videos. (Hey, they’re addictive…OK? It’s a real thing.) This honest reflection made me realise that I needed to start prioritising running. As soon as I acknowledged that, I could challenge myself to make running a priority. It was a wake-up call and exactly what I needed to shift my focus.

Common Obstacles and How to Overcome Them

We all face challenges when trying to align our time with our priorities. Here are a few common obstacles and how to tackle them:

🚫 Procrastination: It’s easy to put off important tasks. Try breaking them into smaller, manageable steps and reward yourself for completing them. As the old saying goes, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!” (Not that I endorse eating elephants, of course. They have wise eyes.)

🔔 Distractions: Minimise distractions by setting boundaries. This might mean turning off notifications during work hours or creating a dedicated workspace. Let’s be real – the world won’t end if you don’t reply to that WhatsApp message immediately.

🛑 Overcommitment: Learn to say no. It’s better to commit to fewer things and do them well than to spread yourself too thin. Remember, you’re not a superhero – even though your to-do list might make you feel like one.

Expert Insight

World champion of not using email, Dr. Cal Newport, author of “Deep Work,” (book review coming soon!) emphasises the importance of focused time blocks. He suggests, “The ability to concentrate intensely is a skill that must be trained.” By setting boundaries and dedicating time to your priorities, you can achieve greater focus and productivity. Think of it as training a puppy – with patience and consistency, it gets easier. It also gives you a bit more self-compassion… because you might kick yourself, but you wouldn’t kick a puppy.

Or why not try creating your own 30-day challenge?? More on that in a previous blog post here.

The Positive Impact of Prioritising Your Time

When you align your time with your priorities, the benefits are immense:

🧘 Improved Mental Health: Reducing the chaos in your schedule can lower stress and increase your overall well-being. It’s like clearing out the clutter in your house – suddenly, everything feels lighter.

Enhanced Productivity: Focusing on what truly matters boosts your productivity and helps you achieve your goals faster. It’s like driving on a clear road compared to navigating through traffic – you get to your destination much quicker.

👨‍👩‍👧 Better Relationships: Prioritising time for loved ones strengthens your relationships and creates lasting memories. It’s like watering a plant – with care and attention, it blossoms.


So there you have it! By understanding your priorities and making conscious choices about how you spend your time, you can lead a more intentional and fulfilling life. 

Remember, it’s not about doing more; it’s about doing what’s important. What steps will you take today to align your time with your priorities? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and let’s inspire each other to live our best lives! 💪

See you next time,


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