This post on AI-Assisted Goal Setting continues my exploration of how to use AI tools, such as ChatGPT, to improve our lives and act as our personal coach-in-a-pocket. Explore the full series here.

Ever set a goal and then promptly forgot about it? Yep, me too. But fear not, because in today’s world, we have AI-powered buddies like ChatGPT to help us out. Imagine having a personal coach who’s always there, never needs a coffee break, and doesn’t judge you for realising after 2 hours that you’ve been in a YouTube hole watching videos of puppies and toddlers being best friends… (dammit The Dodo). Let’s dive into how ChatGPT can transform your goal-setting game.

Understanding AI-Assisted Goal Setting

What is AI-Assisted Goal Setting?

Think of AI-assisted goal setting as having a digital Gandalf guiding you through your journey. ChatGPT helps you define, plan, and track your goals with the precision of a Swiss watch and the enthusiasm of a golden retriever.

The Importance of AI-Assisted Goal Setting

In the grand arena of goal-setting, AI tools are like having a secret weapon. Although research on goal-setting is still new, initial studies indicate that supporting your goal-setting with AI can help provide clarity, and additional clarity is never a bad thing in my experience of goal-setting!

Personal Story

When I first started using ChatGPT for my goal setting, I was sceptical. But as I interacted with the AI, I noticed a significant improvement in how I approached my goals. For instance, I’ve been wanting to write a novel for a while now (not to publish or anything, because it will be terrible, but because I want to learn and experience the process). Howver, I’ve struggled with planning and staying motivated. ChatGPT helped me break down the writing process into manageable chunks, provided regular check-ins, and even suggested strategies to overcome writer’s block.

It’s important to note that the story is still pretty terrible (but that’s a me thing rather than an AI thing!), but this support was invaluable and I’ve progressed a lot further than I ever thought I would.

AI-assisted goal setting
It must be so difficult to do pull ups when you’ve got a pole through your neck like the guy in the white…

Practical Steps to Leverage ChatGPT for Goal Setting

1. Goal Clarification and Refinement

First things first, let’s figure out what you actually want. With ChatGPT, you can brainstorm and refine your goals. For example, you might say: “I want to improve my public speaking skills. Can you help me break this down into specific, measurable objectives?”

And voilà, ChatGPT helps you transform vague aspirations into SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals. For more on improving your goal-setting, download my free workbook.

2. Action Plan Development

Got a goal? Great! Now, let’s make a plan that even your future forgetful self can’t ignore. Ask ChatGPT: “Based on my goal of improving public speaking, what are the key milestones I should aim for over the next six months?”

This way, you’ll have a roadmap to your goals.

💡Top Tip💡 For AI prompting and goal-setting, working backwards from where you want to be is useful. Ask yourself where you want to be, and by when. Then break it down into milestones.

3. Obstacle Identification and Mitigation

Roadblocks? Pfft. With ChatGPT, you’re always prepared. Ask: “What are common challenges people face when trying to improve their public speaking skills, and how can I overcome them?”

ChatGPT will equip you with strategies to tackle these hurdles head-on. Consider it your personal pep squad.

4. Progress Tracking

One month in and feeling lost? Fear not! Regular check-ins with ChatGPT keep you on track. Just ask: “I’ve been working on my public speaking for a month now. What questions should I ask myself to evaluate my progress?”

ALWAYS put a reflection date in your diary. Use it to reflect on your journey, celebrate those small wins, and adjust your strategy as needed. No more getting derailed by shiny distractions. 🐿️

5. Motivation and Accountability

Need a cheerleader? ChatGPT’s got you covered: “Can you provide me with a motivational message to stay committed to my public speaking goal this week?”

Regular pep talks and reminders keep you pumped and focused, like having a coach who’s always available, minus the whistle and stopwatch.

Some Example Prompts to Get You Started

To make the most of AI-assisted goal setting, here are some handy actions and example prompts for your ChatGPT sessions:

  1. 💪 Clarify Your Goals:
    • “I want to get fit. Can you help me break this down into specific, measurable goals?”
  2. 📋 Develop an Action Plan:
    • “Can you help me create a detailed plan to achieve my fitness goals over the next three months?”
  3. 🚧 Identify and Overcome Obstacles:
    • “What are some common challenges people face when trying to stick to a fitness routine, and how can I overcome them?”
  4. 📈 Track Your Progress:
    • “I’ve been following my fitness plan for two weeks. What should I review to ensure I’m on track?”
  5. 🔥 Stay Motivated and Accountable:
    • “Can you give me a motivational quote to keep me going with my fitness journey this week?”

The Positive Impact of AI-Assisted Goal Setting

By integrating ChatGPT into your goal-setting process, you’re not just setting objectives but creating a dynamic, responsive system that adapts to your needs and progress. This AI-assisted approach aligns with the principles of SMART goal setting while adding an extra layer of personalisation and support.


Remember, while ChatGPT is a powerful tool, the key to success still lies in your commitment and action. Use this AI assistant to enhance your goal-setting strategy, but always combine it with your own determination and effort.

As you embark on this journey of AI-assisted goal setting, keep in mind that the process is iterative. Regularly revisit and refine your goals with ChatGPT’s help, adjusting your approach as needed. With this innovative tool at your disposal, you’re well-equipped to turn your aspirations into achievements.

Speak soon!

Stephen 🍵

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